I Help People Master 
Feeling Calm, Peaceful & Happy 
No Matter What Challenges They Face In Life

A Cutting Edge Approach to Transformation

Did you know that there’s a cutting edge approach to transformation that is taking the world by storm because it helps you to take back control of your emotions, beat stress and develop bulletproof confidence quicker, easier and more permanently than any other method out there today?

And that it also helps you to develop emotional resilience and feel calm and productive on the inside, no matter what is going on in your life or business on the outside?

Or that it’s so powerful, yet so simple, that once you hear it the trajectory of your life changes forever and those around you will see and feel this more powerful, capable and limitless version of you that you’ve always had inside just waiting to be unleashed into the world?

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by Jo Turner 13 April 2020
6th Sense is one of my all time favourite movies. If you haven't seen I highly recommend you watch it (probably before you read this blog!) When I watched it I was absolutely mind blown! How could I have not seen that coming!? Obviously I had to watch it again to see if I'd been tricked, if someone other than Cole, the little boy, had seen or talked to him - but no, there was nothing! The film was immaculate, the story was told so well I believed every second of it. But what has this got to do with us? Well throughout that film the director knew that us, as the audience, would 'fill in the gaps' it was such a radical film that our minds couldn't comprehend the ending that was coming - so we, in our minds 'made bits up' to get the film to fit into our world view - the director knew this would happen and used us to help make this fantastic film. We made up that people were talking to Bruce Willis. We made up that his wife was ignoring him. We made up that people were looking at him. We made up that Cole, the little boy was mad. Our minds do this often, all day every day - making stuff up left right and centre. What people are thinking What people's intentions are We make up imaginary futures, arguments, terrible events Even memories of past events are sometime creatively edited by our minds We have a wonderfully creative mind that can make stuff up left right and centre and take us on a rollercoaster of emotions in the process. But that's not the only reason why I love this film. You see Bruce Willis doesn't know he's actually dead. When I first watched the film it got me wondering, could I actually be dead and not know? Could dead people think they are still alive? It opened me up to the possibility that, as human beings, we can have such a massive misunderstandings and believe them to our core that they alter our whole perception of life. It made me question the entire reality I was living in. Fast forward a good number of years, having now discovered the NOUS Principle, I've seen that just like Bruce Willis' innocent misunderstanding in 6th Sense I too was living in a misunderstanding of how the world works. You see I was convinced that I could only feel bad if 'bad stuff' was happening around me. Likewise I could only feel good if 'good stuff' was happening around me. But I soon found out the hard way that that couldn't be true. You see back when I was severely depressed my mum - desperate to help me feel better - took me out to an animal conservation park to cheer me up. It didn't work. In fact it made me feel worse. Why? Because as we walked around the park, looking at all the beautiful animals I wasn't feeling any better - I truly believed that if 'good stuff' was happening I would feel good, but I wasn't. If a day out at the animal park couldn't make me feel better then what could? It wasn't working and I had know idea what to do to feel better. My only option of relying on outside 'stuff' wasn't working at all. I was lost. What if I couldn't find anything to help me feel better? Was I going to be stuck like this forever? A few years later I came across the NOUS Principle and I finally understood why the animal park didn't fix my depression. Why no 'good thing' could help me feel good. The NOUS Principle has taught me that nothing from the outside world can make me feel anything. Not happy, not sad, not depressed or anxious. Nothing. It is only what I think about it on the inside that can have any impact on how I feel. Our feelings are created by what we think about not by what is going on around us. We can only ever feel our thinking. That was a massive game changer for me. Just like when Bruce Willis gets his freedom when he finds out the truth, so did I. I was free to not be scared of my feelings any longer as I now understood exactly where they were coming from, I finally understood how the human experience works and was now able to use it to the best of my ability - this has opened up a whole new world for me. You see nobody is at the mercy of outside circumstances - we are not victims of what's happening around us. We get to choose how we deal with situations and, as a magical side effect we get to decide how we feel about it. It's a game changer of an understanding. It's helped pull me out of depression and let go of all anxiety. I can feel the richness of life - nothing in my physical world has really changed and yet I'm living a completely different life! Just like Bruce Willis help Cole to see his 'gift' differently and Cole is no longer terrified of his life. If you would like to find out the truth and open up a whole new world, book your free session here
by Jo Turner 3 April 2020
There's a whole positive thinking vibe going on at the moment. It's been around a long while and it drive me nuts. Have you ever tried 'thinking positive when it seems like everything is falling apart? It can be pretty impossible You may even be able to muster up one or two 'Positive thoughts' here and there but the 'negativity' comes flooding back as soon as you stop straining. Why is that? Well your thoughts are highly dependent on your mood. If you're in a low mood you will have low thoughts and likewise if you are in a high mood you will have high thoughts. Here's another little fact you may not know... You can't actually control your thoughts. 'Well of course I can' I hear you say... No BS - honestly you can't tell me that you know exactly what you will be thinking in 5/10/15 minutes, or a week from now, or next month - you get me drift! If you concentrate enough you may be able to force a thought into your mind but in standard day-to-day life the thoughts that pop into your head are, for all intents and purposes - random. you have very little to no control over them. This is the issue I have with positive thinking - it's like swimming upstream. It difficult, exhausting and goes against the fundamental principles of the how the human mind works. Have you ever walked into a room and completely forgotten what you went in there for? Of course you have - your human too! Thought is slippery - it's supposed to be! It's a law, like gravity, that thoughts come and go, they cannot be controlled by us easily and no matter how in control of yourself you are you cannot predict what's coming next. We can use that slipperiness to our advantage. If we are able to understand that thoughts are slippery, and they're meant to be , we can start to let them go a hell of a lot more easily - if we don't desperately try to hold on to them. The best bit though is that as well as their slipperiness, thoughts are also unlimited and unending (is that a word!?) - there is no end to the possibilities of what the next thought you have could be! It could be absolutely anything - happy, sad, angry, the curse to cancer, a solution to overcome climate change, what to have for dinner - ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING! The other amazing thing about the slipperiness of thought is this - antherone will be along any second - Guaranteed! Why does knowing this help? Well your feelings are created by your thoughts - your feelings are a byproduct of thought. Your thoughts create your feelings. A series of low thoughts will create a low feeling - if this goes on for a while you will end up in a low mood. But the magic is if you leave it alone long enough those slippery low moods will slip away when your thinking changes. Which it will when you let it. That's how it's supposed to work! The issue I have with positive thinking - aside from it being really hard work - is that by trying to manage your thinking into something you want you end up continuing the focus on unwanted thoughts instead of letting them slip away. If I tell you to not think of a pink elephant.....what are you thinking about? Can you see how that's the same as 'don't think negative thoughts'? Thoughts are slippery, let them be slippery another one will be along in a millisecond and your whole world will look different. Seems too simple right? Yeah, I 'thought' so too when I first learnt this - have a play with it and see you how you get on, hopefully like me you will start to see something in this and if you do I'd love to hear about it in the comments or you can email me here .
by Jo Turner 1 April 2020
When I was 9 my whole world fell apart I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting in the waiting room with my parents 'the results are in, Jo has tested positive' I heard the lady say. Everything went quiet, I couldn't breath. So much confusion was going around in my head, so many thoughts, I felt like I was being sucked down a plug hole into the dark abis. I felt my parents arms around me but I didn't feel connected to my body, I felt like I was swirling around and around, barely keeping my head above water, any minute now I'll be lost forever into a deep dark hole. That was the day I found out I was different from everybody else. The day I found out I had Dyslexia. I was dyslexic. Labeled. Branded. Not only was I now never going to be considered 'normal' again, they made it quite clear that every dyslexic walking the planet were different to each other too. I was unlike anything else. I no longer belonged I no longer had anyone who was like me I from that moment I was alone. Completely. It has taken over 20 years for me to get over that day. 20 years of heartache and struggle to feel 'normal' again, to feel like one of the human race again. To feel accepted. Acceptable. I didn't want this or ask for it, I spent my life fighting it to no avail. I researched and tried techniques. I had tutors and therapy and dark dark days. It has been a long, hard road but finally I realised that I'm not that different after all and the relief has been overwhelming. You see when I was young I was convinced I was an alien. I was so worried about it I made myself ill. My mouth and throat would get so covered in ulcers that I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't function properly which only reinforced my fears. After countless doctors appointments I was finally sent for blood tests. I was terrified. I got sicker. They are going to find out about me. They were going to know I was different. Surely aliens can't have the same blood as humans, can they? Are they going to take me away and do experiments on me - or worse? I'll never see my family again. The results came back negative. nothing. Zilch. Nothing wrong with me apparently - must be stress. At least I wasn't an alien - or at least they didn't notice. I could stay with my family but the feeling of being different, an alien, never really went completely. I grew up with this dark, heavy cloud hanging over me. I grew up with chains around my wrists and ankles worried if I acted too differently to everyone else people would find out who I was. That I was different. I tried so many different things to fight the feelings of worthlessness, never being enough, feeling like an outcast, an impostor, like I didn't deserve to be in a room with 'normal' people. Tutors and coaches, therapy. It tried so many things to feel a little less defective, a little less broken, a little less odd. CBT, EFT, hypnosis. But the more I went over the problems the bigger they seemed to get, the deeper they seemed to cut, the more it seemed to hurt. Could nothing help me? It wasn't until I got an understanding of the truth about how the human mind actually works that it all became clear. The day I finally understood changed my life forever. The truth about how the context you are existing in affects everything in your life. Everything you think, everything you do, everything you feel. It's the context that is the problem - not me . My context was that I was different - an alien. Everything I thought, felt, did was based on that and until the context could change everything else would be shrouded in that light. You see, if you actually believe your an alien, everything you think and do and feel in that context is normal. If you think you are different to every other human being who ever walked the earth everything you think and do and feel in that context is normal. If I could change the context I could change how I feel - and I finally had the key to changing the context. But I couldn't change my diagnosis, so how could I change the context? I took a long time to realise that I am not my diagnosis. I am not my dyslexia. I am not that scar on my arm from 1999. I am not the colour of my hair. Those things are all part of me but they don't define the human being that I am. Like being left handed or not great a sports. Like being good at parking or 5 foot 6½ tall (the half is important!) Those things are all part of me but they don't define the human being that I am. Deep beneath all the 'labels' and categories I am a human like everybody else, my brain may be wired slightly differently but my mind, my body, my soul is just the same as yours, just the same as everybody else's. I was set free, the chains dropped away, the plug hole I was constantly trying to swim out of sealed and the water stopped running. I get to decide the context of my life by changing the stories I tell myself - and the best bit is so can you. Once you know that all the stories anyone ever tells themselves are completely made up - you're then free to make up whatever stories you like. You get to decide the context of your life, the stories you tell yourself and you get to change your mind if it stops working for you. It's the same for everybody. It's what makes us human, it is what makes us normal. You see, there is so much to being a human being and a diagnosis of anything at all doesn't change any of the things that make you human - any of the things that make you 'normal'. You or anyone else are never less than or more than anyone else. We are all human, doing the best within the context that we are currently working in. I'm not an alien I am a human being just like everybody else and so are you. We are all normal.
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Who is


Hi I'm Jo Turner

I am a Transformational Coach working to share a brand new understanding of the nature of what it is to be a human being in the 21st century with as many people as possible but my real passion is helping business owners.

Why? I am the daughter of a serial business owner - as well as being a serial business owner myself. 

I have experienced the struggles that go along with owning and running a business first hand and have been at the receiving end of those struggles too. 

You see, when I was young and was given a label that shattered my entire world -  I remember it as though it were yesterday. That label threw me into a dark hole of depression for the following years, even decades that no matter what techniques I used, what positive thinking I did or how much I meditated, it would rear it's ugly head time and time again and I would be back to wishing it would all just end that second.

That dark place, alone, feeling worthless and unlovable. With seemingly no way out. I tried a number of times and failed. I couldn't even do that properly. I don't think I need to spell it out to you - I think you know that place or can at least imagine it. 

Business brought out the best and the worst in me. I thought running my own business would give me the freedom I craved and the fulfillment I needed. It didn't - and I don't expect (no matter how successful you are) it does for you either!

'Just 2 more sales and I'll have made it, just this last bit of paperwork and I can relax, I just need to make this much and we'll be set, just this and that and then I'll be there - then I'll be happy' - it doesn't work like that though does it? 

Does it ever feel like you thought it would? Success?
Do you ever feel like you've really made it?
Do those feelings last - or do you end up chasing the 'next big thing'?

I got sick of chasing my tail on the treadmill, feeling unfulfilled, overwhelmed and overworked. 

I tried CBT, I tried talking therapy, each session I left feeling worse. Deep down I knew I didn't want to keep going over it all. It hurt talking about it. I wanted it to stop hurting. I stopped going.

The doctors prescribed me antidepressants. They kind of helped but kind of didn't. I forgot to take them for a week, I felt no different so decided they can't be doing anything. I stopped taking them.

I learn some basic NLP techniques, it helped for a time but it seemed like hard work and I got confused with the step. I stopped using it.

I learnt how to meditate and think positively, it helped for a time but faded quickly when I wasn't doing it. It seemed impractical, I couldn't fit it in every morning and night.  I stopped doing it.

I learnt how the human experience actually worked. I stopped doing, trying, working on my-self. I started being. I started understanding and seeing life for what it is. I transformed. My life changed. My business changed. I became free. 

Since I have had the understanding of how it all works I am much less stressed. I am filled with a beautiful feeling of unwavering peace even in the most dire circumstances. Whatever is going on around me I have a sense of inner strength and knowing. My head is clearer, my heart is full and my life more fulfilling. 

I cannot put into words the profound effect this new insight into life has had on me, all I can say is my life and business haven't been the same since. It's a bit like riding a bike, once you get it you're off, you can't unlearn it. I cannot unlearn this experience and I sure as hell don't want to! 

I want to share this understanding with you. I want you to see the basic truths of human experience. I want you to be free of your thinking and emotions and I want you to live a happier, peaceful and more fulfilling life just like the thousands of others who have had an insight into this understanding. 

Whether you biggest stress comes from Business or Work, Family and Relationships, Illness or Lifestyle you are never too far gone to come back home. I know, I've been there and I can help guide you back. 

Much Love Always, Jo xx



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